Kamis, 14 April 2011

Freestyle poem

waking up late looking at the sun shines so bright
realizing that school's out
relaxing at home watching movies
and the AC is so cold
a thick blanket is very nice
having good times with family
sleeping early for tomorrow's school...

very dark pale faces, weathers, and cloud
roaring so loud,
sounds of bombs, guns and the screams of thousands wounded soldiers
that have leave their friends, family and brothers
waiting for endless time to go back peacefully
when you realize you will be killed cruelly

Explanation: freestyle poem is a type of poem whichis up to the author of how to make it it can be in any lines and any syllables it is actually very interesting. The theme for my first freestyle poem is sunday or holiday im actually expressing it in how much fun a sunday is.
The second freestyle poem that i made is themed war, i dont really like war so i express it in a bad way like people dieing and people killing.

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